Being a parent is the greatest adventure that I have experienced in life. Being a dad has provided me with a new perspective in life and forces me to become a better person every day. My wife, Erin, and I have been blessed with 2 healthy, and mostly happy, daughters. Abigail was born April 29, 2011 and Bridget was born 3 years and a week later, on May 6, 2014. I'm pretty sure they could not be any different from each other. Join me on my journey of being a parent.

Monday, April 10, 2017

An Exciting Week!

It sure was an exciting week in our house. Abigail lost her first tooth at school last Wednesday. It has been loose for quite awhile and she finally managed to wiggle it enough to get it out. Oh yes, and the best part is that the tooth fairy came!

After Bridget crawled out of her crib last weekend, we finally decided on Friday to convert her crib into a toddler...I mean "big girl bed". She has done an outstanding job so far at both not falling out of bed as well as staying in bed during naps and at night. 

Proud of her big girl bed
She kept getting in my way while I was converting the crib so I
had to punish her in the worst way possible
On Saturday Erin decided to take the girls out to Bass Pro to see the Easter bunny. I can't really share much about this as I did not go along. Taking the girls to see the Easter bunny or Santa Claus are 1 of my top 2 LEAST favorite things to do. I have taken them by myself several times so it was nice to get a break this time. No worries though, they were great for Erin and didn't have to wait long at all. 

Abigail also went to a cheer leading/tumbling clinic on Saturday and had a lot of fun. Bridget and I spent the time making a brief visit to see my sister and her kids out in Minburn. All of us spent time outside enjoying the nice weather on Sunday. Abigail played outside for a couple hours while I worked on a project in the garage. Erin took Bridget out to a Creamery where she got to see a "baby cow" and try all sorts of dairy goodies. 

This week promises to be another exciting one with more chances to see family while celebrating Easter next weekend. 

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