Being a parent is the greatest adventure that I have experienced in life. Being a dad has provided me with a new perspective in life and forces me to become a better person every day. My wife, Erin, and I have been blessed with 2 healthy, and mostly happy, daughters. Abigail was born April 29, 2011 and Bridget was born 3 years and a week later, on May 6, 2014. I'm pretty sure they could not be any different from each other. Join me on my journey of being a parent.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

A Rainy Week

It was a much more relaxed week in the O'Connell house this past week. As with every week, it seemed to fly by and we made sure to keep the girls busy. On Tuesday evening Erin took Abigail across the street to the Experience Grimes festival. Several of the businesses in town have booths with free food and activities for the kids. Abigail looks forward to it every year and I think it is so cool to her because it is literally across the street from our house.

I also got the girls signed up for swimming lessons on Tuesday. Last year we started to do swim lessons at the Urbandale swimming pool. It is the indoor swimming pool that I train at and is perfect for swim lessons. The best part is that weather doesn't have an impact on swim lessons the way that it does at the outdoor pools. I will be doing the parent-child lessons with Bridget again this year and am looking forward to it as we had such a blast doing it last year. Abigail will be moving up the the first level for school age kids.

On Wednesday, I got to join Abigail at the end of faith formation at church to go through the stations of the cross done by the 5th grade class. It was so cute to see all of the pictures that the 5th graders had drawn and listen to them walk us through each station.

Thursday evening they were having a special Lego themed story time at the library. Both girls love to play with Legos so I took them to the library. They were absolute angels the entire time and left the library willingly and on their own power when story time ended.

With a break in the rain on Saturday we were able to play outside for awhile in the evening. Since it rained most of today, we were stuck inside reading books and watching a little TV. The girls entertained themselves quite well throughout the day as well. The one surprise of the day was when I went to get Bridget up from nap, she was already out of her crib (yes, she has still been sleeping in a crib). We will give it a go in the crib again tonight, but something tells me that her bed will be converted to a toddler bed very soon.

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