It has been a busy few weeks in the O'Connell household and things are only going to speed up from here. A couple weeks back we spent time celebrating Easter. The day before Easter we headed out to my sister's house for an Easter egg hunt sponsored by the Minburn Library. The girls had a blast! I really like the small town atmosphere out there.
Waiting for the whistle |
My parents stayed at our house that night and said it was their first time spending Easter morning with any of their grandkids. The girls found eggs hidden by the Easter bunny before exploring Easter baskets that he left behind before heading off to mass. They were lucky enough to get baskets from both sets of grandparents as well.
All ready for church on Easter morning |
Later in the day we headed back out to Minburn to hunt for more Easter eggs and have a wonderful lunch cooked by my sister. Every time I see my daughters play with their cousins, it brings back such fond memories of playing with my cousins at Grandma and Grandpa O'Connell's house every Easter.
Cousins! |
Last week Abigail's school hosted an art open house. Every student had a piece of artwork they had worked on displayed in the hallways of the school. We got to walk around looking at all of the art then stop in the cafeteria for some cookies. Abigail also got a chance to draw a picture for her teacher. Abigail's artwork was a picture of herself painting because she likes doing art so much.
Abigail's picture is in the top row above her head |
Yesterday was Abigail's 6th birthday. I don't' even know how that is possible but I checked like 10 times and she is indeed 6 years old. She started off her day with a pop tart and eggs for breakfast (her choice). The she spent time reading books and watching some shows on TV. In the afternoon Erin took her to see the play Fancy Nancy at the Des Moines Playhouse before returning home to have Casey's pizza for supper. After supper she got her present from us, it is a portable basketball hoop for the driveway.
A present for all of us really :) |
Next Abigail and I made some peanut butter zucchini bread. About a month ago I started a weekly baking/cooking night with Abigail to start teaching her what I know about working in the kitchen. She is becoming an expert in reading recipes and using measuring spoons and cups.
Daddy daughter baking time! |
Since we have a joint birthday party for the girls planned for next weekend, we didn't have any cake or dessert planned for this weekend. There were a couple of cupcakes left from the treats that Abigail took to school on Friday so Erin stuck a candle in one and sang happy birthday.
A single candle in a lonely cupcake |
We ended up making it a weekend long celebration. Grandma Weiler was in town for a baby shower and spent the night at our house so the girls got a chance to play with her and Great Grandma Engelmann this morning before heading to church. Abigail also got to open a birthday present from Great Aunt Lisa and Great Uncle Mark.
She says it is her new fishing hat |
To cap off the weekend we headed to Red Robin for dinner. There was a bit of a wait as the restaurant was understaffed, but the food did not disappoint. Abigail had her favorite, mac and cheese with mandarin oranges and topped it off with a birthday sundae as the staff sang a birthday song to her.
Mommy stealing some of the birthday girls dessert |