Being a parent is the greatest adventure that I have experienced in life. Being a dad has provided me with a new perspective in life and forces me to become a better person every day. My wife, Erin, and I have been blessed with 2 healthy, and mostly happy, daughters. Abigail was born April 29, 2011 and Bridget was born 3 years and a week later, on May 6, 2014. I'm pretty sure they could not be any different from each other. Join me on my journey of being a parent.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Variety And Last Minute Schedule Change

The past week was full of a variety of fun. Last weekend, Erin took the girls to "Thomas Day" at the Library on Saturday. They had a lot of fun doing everything Thomas and it was quite busy. On Sunday we got to attend the birthday party for one of the neighbor girls. Water play, pizza and a big house to run around in made for a fun afternoon for the girls.

On Monday, my mom stopped by with my niece, Jocelyn. Jocelyn lives in Kansas City with my sister and brother-in-law so we don't get to see them very often. I was at work for the day, but the girls got a chance to play and eat lunch together. On Tuesday, I decided to take Abigail out for a daddy-daughter date night. We went to see Despicable Me 3 and ate pizza at Sam and Louie's. It was a lot of fun, although I think too many M&Ms at the movie gave Abigail a tummy ache.

Pizza and Oranges!
A couple more trips to the library, along with a trip to Michael's for arts and crafts rounded out the activities of the week. We were all set for an exciting trip to Kansas City for the weekend to visit my sister as well as Erin's aunt and uncle. Sadly, storms moved through late in the week that resulted in a flooded basement at Uncle John and Aunt Susan's house. We were devastated, not only because we were looking forward to the trip, but also because we really like John and Susan and it is always hard to hear of issues that family members are facing. Hopefully they can get things cleaned up quickly and we can find another chance to visit. 

With our weekend plans cancelled, Erin quickly registered to run the Bix 7 in the Quad Cities and headed off to her parent's house on Friday. That left me at home with 2 crazy little girls. On Friday evening we headed out to Brenton Arboretum South of Dallas Center to do some exploring. 

Running and Exploring!
This morning, we attended the end of summer party at the library. A bunch of random activities, super heroes, shaved ice and a bounce house made for a good time. 

Chasing bubbles
Eating shaved ice
After the party we played at a park and stopped at McDonalds to pick up some lunch before taking a well needed nap. 

Fun at the park
Happy Meals
After nap we cooled off in our little deck pool and watched "Secret Life of Pets". It was a fun filled day and everyone went to bed happy. 

So much fun!
This next week the fun continues as I have a short week at work before all of us head to grandma and grandpa Weiler's house for a long weekend. 

Friday, July 21, 2017

July Is Flying By

On the first weekend of July, I decided to take each of the girls out fishing. On Saturday morning, Erin and Abigail headed to the Des Moines farmers market, so Bridget and I headed to Big Creek.

Bridget being very patient
That afternoon, Abigail and I headed down to Lake Ahquabi for some fishing, a picnic, and playing at the park. We caught a few fish and had a really good time. 

Fishing hard
The first week of July, the girls spent a week at my parent's house while Erin and I spent a few days with my cousin and his wife in Madison. We then traveled to Waukon to spend a night with my grandparents before heading back to Evansdale to see retrieve the girls. 

Just prior to leaving on our trip, we received a phone call that Erin's sister had her baby. It was perfect timing as most of us were able to stop by the hospital to meet Ellie Sophia Korf before we left. She is just about the cutest baby alive and all of us are super excited to have her join the family. Bridget got her first chance to meet Ellie after we returned from our trip.

Since that times, things got a little busy and crazy. Last week, Abigail spent 2 mornings at a volleyball camp and LOVED it.

Abs at volleyball camp
Other then volleyball camp, the last 2 weeks have been filled with swim lessons for both girls every evening. It was Bridget's last year of parent-child and both girls did great! It was also a lot of fun for me as I love spending time in the pool.

So cute and independent
Bridget jumping into the pool
Last weekend, on Saturday we took a trip to the Science Center and went out to eat at Legends. The Science Center was a lot of fun but Bridget had a meltdown at the restaurant. I ended up sitting with her in the car until our food arrived. The rest of dinner went much better. 

Having fun with the green screen at the Science Center
Nothing will slow down from here as in the next 2 weeks we are travelling to Kansas City and to the Quad Cities for even more fun!