Abigail is 6 1/2 weeks old today! She is officially outgrowing her newborn clothes and moving into the 0-3 month size. We are also merely days (or possibly hours) away from outgrowing newborn diapers. An unofficial weigh in on Sunday had her at about 8 lbs.
As Grandma O'Connell put it, everyone has crabby days, even babies. Boy was that true for Abigail on Sunday. After such a great week, and a good day at the walk on Saturday, we had a crabby baby on our hands Sunday. Luckily, grandma was there in the morning to deal with the fussiness, which gave Erin and I time to get ourselves ready for the day. After grandma and grandpa left, things went down hill fast and frustration set in. For the first time in her little life, we were unable to do anything to make her happy. She refused to sleep and just cried and cried all afternoon. We were finally able to get her to calm down when I put on the Moby Wrap (my first time with it) and she took a nap while I sat in the chair watching TV. I'm thinking a good nap is what she needed, because the evening was much better.
After feeding her, we let her lay out naked on a blanket for awhile. This is when we discovered that she can follow objects with her eyes and by turning her head. Not only that, but she seemed to love doing it because it kept her very happy for quite awhile. I'm certain that I had the most fun with it (I've been waiting for a good way that I can interact with her) out of all of us. We also discovered that she loves having different textures rubbed on her skin, especially her soft bunny toy. She would make the happiest noises and coo as we would rub it on her arms, legs, and tummy. We are hopping to get a video of these happy noises this week.
Things sure are beginning to happen fast, and I am loving every minute of it (except for Sunday afternoon, we can just forget about that one). In fact, I have spent a few hours this week reading about the 1st year of a babies development, and different ways to play with her each month. I am very excited to keep watching for her to reach milestones and be able to interact with us even more.
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