Being a parent is the greatest adventure that I have experienced in life. Being a dad has provided me with a new perspective in life and forces me to become a better person every day. My wife, Erin, and I have been blessed with 2 healthy, and mostly happy, daughters. Abigail was born April 29, 2011 and Bridget was born 3 years and a week later, on May 6, 2014. I'm pretty sure they could not be any different from each other. Join me on my journey of being a parent.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Small Baby and Getting Ready

For the past 15 weeks or so, the story has remained the same, our baby is undersized. Erin has been having weekly (and now twice a week) appointments for several months that include and ultrasound, NST, and various other tests but luckily our baby seems to be doing just fine even though she is undersized. Erin is going to see a specialist after school today for confirmation that the baby is not in distress and can stay in for awhile longer. I will be sure to post how that goes.

Knowing that the doctors may decided to take the baby at any time, we felt the need to be prepared going into today's appointment. I installed the car seat in Erin's car yesterday and we packed a hospital bag that I put in my truck. I figure that by being ready, we probably won't have the baby today:)

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how packing the bags can end up prolonging things. That happened to us too. Glad things are looking good and baby gets some more incubation time. :)
